The CiiRT (‘sərt’) Centre

The Canadian International Innovation Research and Transformation Centre

A pioneer engagement media corporation

We’re Canadian. It’s in our nature to open doors for others.

The majority of businesses exist to provide good value and service to mankind regardless of where they are in the chain of the global ecosystem. Not just in the name of profit, but also for prosperity, equality, and sustainability for all today and tomorrow. And because the whole world is still figuring out how to actually do that, the CiiRT Centre exists to create that system and synergy to make this wonderful dream a reality.

We find & convene good PEOPLE.

The CiiRT Centre is where good people thrive.

Everyone is a stakeholder in this world but not all are inspired and enabled to do what they were born to do. Regardless of their situation, many people have it in their hearts to want to do good in the world. What we do is we find them, equip them and provide them the opportunities, protection, and promotion they need to actually create the positive impact that they believe in.

Good people are good workers, good employers, good entrepreneurs, and good professionals. They are also good examples and good leaders to follow so we make them shine.


We support & grow good COMPANIES.

We provide members with access to more business, more money, and sustainability by way of orchestrating mutually beneficial business and trade engagements. Not only for businesses and between businesses but from the level of the individuals to the level of institutions, corporations, governments, and nations.

At the end of the day, all organizations, public or private, are composed of individuals with their interdependent motivations and decision-making. Good companies are composed of good people. We support good people.



We promote & protect good WORKS.

A tidal wave can’t be achieved with a bucket of water. We wish to create a tidal wave of good.

The CiiRT Centre is where good works prosper.

We wish to reverse the downward spiral of society that you feel today. Good leaders need to be supported, celebrated and promoted to impact change. So that their stories and achievements can be found and be available to emulate for the rest of the world.

Good works, when gathered together, create impact powered by good companies that are composed of good people.




The Canadian Business Research and Innovation Centre.

The Management Consultant 2nd Edition. Richard Newton; Financial Times Publishing.

The Origin of Why by Simon Sinek.

Find your Why (book) by Simon Sinek



Photos by Helena Lopes, fauxels, Anthony Shkraba, Matheus Bertelli, Daria Shevtsova, Marcin Jozwiak, Francesco Ungaro, Olia Danilevich, Tima MiroshnichenkoTim DouglasFoxGustavo FringPok RieMikael BlomkvistAndrea PiacquadioMikhail Nilov, Wendy WeiThe Coach Space,Rene Asmussen, Rodolfo Clix, Christina Morillo, KEHN HERMANO, Rachel Claire, RODNAE Productions, Tiger Lily, Paul Efe, Elevate, Anna Shvets, and Digital Buggu from Pexels