How to engage your local CiiRT ecosystem in 3 steps:


Step 1: Refine

How do we best engage with your skills, knowledge, and experience?

Know your Business Language and Professional Strengths

If you are a business owner, consultant, business coach, software developer, accountant, professional practitioner, contractor, in the trades, an employee, in government, or in the education sector; whatever it is that you do, in order to do your job you communicate with others using a Business Language.

Step 1 is to address today’s critical need to improve the efficiency of engagement. Time and attention are very precious in today’s over flooding of information, options and distractions.

To be offered the right engagements, you need to effectively communicate what Professional Strengths you bring and that you are aware and observant of the New Principles of Engagement.

Knowing what engagements are right for you helps everyone save their time, effort and resources to engage your expertise.

For CiiRT, we would know exactly what services are available to access in the area so it will be easier for us to plan for the projects that will need your expertise. For the client, it will be easier for them to green light the project with a higher level of confidence and clear expectations. For you the professional, you will get RFPs that are in line with what you are most comfortable to cost and serve. More so, with projects that are focused on your particular Professional Strengths, you get maximum returns for your time spent, higher chances of success and higher satisfaction ratings will add to your credibility in the local ecosystem - thereby helping you in building your brand.


Step 2: Join

Make yourself accessible to the alliance of companies and consumers working together for a better world.

Identify with a CoDevelopment Campaign or lead/ recommend one.

There is strength in numbers. Even what is thought of as impossible can happen. The CoDevelopment Campaigns are common directions between members about changing the world for the better. We are creating a formidable force through our individual impacts at work as professionals and organizations.

The variously themed CoDevelopment Campaigns are simultaneously being coordinated and conducted around the globe by and through the CiiRT Local LeadCouncils. The efforts and achievements are rightfully credited and promoted via online and live media. Doing so gains more support and momentum for the movement and for the individual members’ businesses and careers

We believe this is the more meaningful way of marketing. It is a subtle but very effective way of promoting and actually achieving the socially responsible aspect of the individual missions and visions of our hardworking members. Identifying with a campaign helps the market connect your products and services to the positive movements you help create and move forward. That is a righteous and sustainable way of helping the world be better.

Increasing your business means increasing the momentum of achieving the purpose of the campaigns which also means increasing our chances of achieving a better world.


Step 3: Receive Engagements

We’ll send you invites to engage

Update your online presence & capabilities so we can send you the right engagements.

Impactful action. Definitive talk. Enjoyable life. That is a sustainable model of a personal and career life. Your job is to provide excellence and mastery to what you bring to the world as products and services. The job of the CiiRT Community and Ecosystems is to make sure your excellence and mastery are recognized, patronized, and supported by your local and global community. And counted into the CoDevelopment Campaigns to achieve its intended impact on the world.

Based on your reviewed Professional Strengths, update your website and professional profiles and send us the links. From there, we would know which members and communities to send your way for optimum engagement results.

CiiRT continuously and proactively reaches out to work with local businesses and campaign the CoDevelopment efforts for global transformation.

In our observations, an average of 40% of your time is used to market your excellent products or services. We also think only marketers and salespeople like to market and sell. But someway somehow you need to engage with others to be productive.

The CiiRT Centre strategy is to begin with the end in mind. Changing the world for the better is a common desire for you and your clients. It is a good relationship foundation. CiiRT utilizes the new Principles of Engagement to build on that foundation to efficiently and effectively engage each other in the new normal.